Wheel of Destiny
We get three of the most important functions:
1. Dedication Perks (HP/MP)
2. Revelation Perks (Damage)
3. Conviction Perks (Reduction)
The first stage requires 250 Promotion Points to unlock, the second 500 and the last 1000.
You get each point for reaching the next level
Dedication PerksAfter unlocking the first stage, We get 100 points, which can be exchanged for additional hp or mana points(5 points for each hp/mp spent, the same amount as for leveling up)
For the second stage of unlocking we get 200 points to use, and for the last stage 300 points
Conviction Perks (Reduction):
For unlocking the first stage, we receive a permanent 3% resistance to all elements
The next stage gives us 5% resistance, and the last 8%
Revelation Perks (Damage):
For unlocking the first stage, we will deal 3% more damage from each element
Unlocking the second stage gives us 5% and the last 8%
Additionally, unlocking Revelation Perks gives us:
Casting a Avalanche rune will give you an extra 5 mlvl
This also applies to the Great Fireball, Thunderstorm and Stone Shower runes
Druid with spell heal friend and heal friend strong will heal himself too
Using the challenge spell after unlocking the first stage will heal himself if he is below 30% health
Each subsequent stage of unlocking is another healing