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17.4.2024 -
Author: GM Kimus


Welcome to the Global server Next-Stage RL map with Vip City built by a team of the best map makers and programmers. We invite you to test the game's plot. Everyone will find their way to the best!     

We started working on the server in 2019. So far we have accumulated many great memories. A heartfelt thank you to all loyal players and hope to see you compete again!

Only the best will gain experience quickly 

Others will feel the taste of peaceful aventure on the game 

Prove to others that you are the strength to be reckoned with.

Stay an exceptional player.  

And have fun!


7.2.2024 -
Minior Update for Mages. Client redownload required
Author: GM Kimus


This time we are adding a minor update for mages. Mages get new runes with a stronger shot from a different element

Missing outfits and mounts from the previous update have also been added

Global Tasks - the ability to respawn a stronger version of a given monster, which will have very rare items. If players from the entire server kill 1000 Grand Master Oberons, a ten times more powerful version of him will be spawned

Bags have also been added to each new series of items, from which we can receive a random item from a given series

A custom series of Vampiric items has also been added

27.11.2023 -
Winter Update (medium)
Author: GM Kimus



For the upcoming Winter Update (medium) - we have prepared 340 new items. Three series of items: WinterSnow and Rainbow

Additionally, we have added the ability to create Charm Runes, which you can give to another player to activate a charm. New Winter items have a special property - resistance to freezing

With the new update comes a new token with a letter of the alphabet that are necessary for the Winter Quest. We can also use them to decorate the house

A new Legend loyalty rank has been added for 1500 points


25.7.2023 -
Summer Update (real and custom) is here! Please redownload the client
Author: GM Kimus


We invite you to test the new series of sets: PrismaticSpectral and Sanguine series

From now on, we will be able to add our favorite parameters to the new Spectral series, as well as improve and disable them. To your liking

The available list of unlockable properties can be found in the Spectral Items tab on the left

Cleave Spells - the cast spell will be reactivated in the cast position. Max level is 3 (3 spell hits), max upgrade chance to trigger spell again is 10%. (Increases exhaustion for the duration of the spell, so it cannot be used again while it is in effect)

Skilling the weapon itself (Level Up) - takes place while hunting and skilling on the exercise dummy

Prey - added ability to add and remove redundant monsters from lists for 25 tc

15.5.2023 -
Small additions
Author: GM Kimus


30.12.2022 -
Minor additions
Author: GM Kimus


Quick Trade - for faster item trading. From now on, only items you own will appear in the list. The limit of items for sale at one time is 30,000 (Sold 25003 Ambers for 500060000 gold coins.)

Gnome Quest - is now available. You need to kill 6 warzone bosses to claim your reward

Group tasks - a killed task monster will be counted to anyone who hits it once. This also applies to monsters from Bestiary

Gnomprona - with new monsters, outfits and mounts

Day event - with double counting of task monsters


28.9.2022 -
Some Updates
Author: GM Kimus


5.6.2022 -
Summer Update 2022 is here!
Author: GM Kimus


Summer Update with Naga items and custom Equipment from the Holy Quest

29.3.2022 -
Author: GM Kimus


Bloody Upgrade it is the new modifiers for top weapons based on the stuned function - hitting a monster will freeze him for 10 seconds:

Spells for Ed/Ms (500 lvl) are assigned to:

Exevo Gran Mas Vis

Exevo Gran Mas Tera

Change: !new spell

Sinner Quest with a new hunting ground. The reward is to choose one outfit and one mount for free from Vip City


15.12.2021 -
New events for the day
Author: GM Kimus

The Monday Double Spawn - bonus will start on Monday

The Tuesday Skills 50% - bonus will start on Tuesday

The Wednesday Loot 50% - bonus will start Wednesday

The Thursday Double Counter - will now count monsters killed twice as bestiary and tasks

The Weekend Exp 50% - bonus will start from now on Friday

2.12.2021 -
All the latest updates are here!
Author: GM Kimus


Added new backpacks. Use Powders  on Crystal Backpack 

Added mana kegs  to npcs so that any player with enough money can afford mana keg

To upgrade the Gilded Eldritch Claymore  : use the  from  on  

A new weapon modifier Cleave is now ready. Also now available in all items upgraded with diamonds. We will now deal 3 damage to monsters in range




11.10.2021 -
Author: GM Kimus


  • Custom Boss Arena - is now ready at the Jack Crystal npc
  • Regeneration - by food on Protection Zone
  • Added 10 new custom mounts
  • Random Tasks - is now avaliable. Above the 6th task with rewards custom mounts
  • Skulls Kills - new ranking is now avaliable
  • New mini games - Shifting Crates game with 23 boards is now available, and Paccman with 3 boards
  • Elite Quest - is now ready
  • Lottery - take part in the lottery and win prizes: !ticket
  • New Bosses Charm - available for killing 500 bosses
  • Bonus for wearing an outfit - 2 addons for outfits (10% more hp/mp, skills +3)
  • Auto loot v3.0 - five lists with items to assign. The ability to replace the list with a specific hunt
  • New Prey for custom spawns - !prey custom on/off


29.9.2021 -
Author: GM Kimus


Jack Crystal - we can receive new tasks, swap Eldritch items and buy arena enrties in Vip City above djins

Extra Points - lets you reset cooldown of exp boosts from the store and bosses

Players Tasks  - find out in World Chat about the contract to kill a given character and get Extra Points

Eldritch Quest - We can enter it inside west of the forge. Needed 1000 Extra Points from tasks to enter

8.4.2021 -
Auto loot segregation 3.0

We have installed goods sorting for the selected department.

It will be up to you to add an item to the autoloot and the system will select an appropriate backpack for it.

!autoloot demon

Segregation is done automatically with pages. No need to buy backpacks for space.

Additionally, the bag can be closed and items will be loaded there anyway.

Free activation: !buy segregation

13.3.2021 -
Loyalty system 2.0

We get points and rank for the number of VIP days.

For check status: !loyalty. Players with a certain number of loyalty points will receive multiplier a few percent up skills / mlvl and custom bonuses.

Check in game: !ranking.

Rank Points Bonus
Scout - -
Sentinel 40 1 skill
Steward 80 2 skills
Warden 120 3 skills
Squire 180 4 skills
Warrior 250 5 skills
Keeper 320 6 skills
Guardian 400 7 skills
Sage 500 8 skills
Savant 650 9 skills
Enlightened 800 10 skills
King 1000 15 skills
Legend 1500 25 skills


15.11.2020 -
  • Discoverer outfit - Can be obtained by unlocking city waypoints
  • Stamina regeneration on PZ - From now on, everyone will fully regenerate stamina (3 types)
  • Anty kick with traning dummy - To make your life easier - in the dp vip give the game exit. Will be training all the time (masterful exercise  = 8 hours training. And will now give shielding)
  • Turned off kick after 15 minutes on trainers - Now you can safely go to the shop or school. Your character will still training when you return
  • Hp and mana regeneration (+35HP/+45MP):   
  • Change shot type and resistance: useon    
  • Client version 12 - Using client version 12 gives you 20% more bonus exp


30.10.2020 -

As some may have noticed the map is RL with Vip City addition. Among other things, there are shortcuts for respawns and all djinas in one place


We have put in a Winter and Summer Updates 2019-2020 with new bosses for you. Have a nice adventure!

Soul War Quest, new addons, mounts and above all items added. We invite you to get hold of!

Final Library quest is now available

Additionally a few custom quests

Shop House 2.0.

For today we install litte thing - easier house items shopping. Just use the item.

2.10.2020 -
News / Updates


  1. Faster drop and clean reward chest: now removing objects is no longer so bothersome
  2. Time doubler: The possibility of increasing the time of the rings/amulets/boots to a maximum of 1 day. Cost for 1x time doubler is 2 cc
  3. The new Daily lvl reward is now available in temple thais on angel statue 
  • 70 lvl - bonus exp 10% for 1h
  • 100 lvl - bonus exp 10% for 2h
  • 150 lvl - regen stamina 100%
  • 200 lvl - 1 skill up (ek/rp) / collar of plasma + ring (ed/ms)

20.5.2020 -
Its time to log in!


Welcome to the Global server Next-Stage RL map with Vip City built by a team of the best map makers and programmers. We invite you to test the game's plot. Everyone will find their way to the best!     

We started working on the server in 2019. So far we have accumulated many great memories. A heartfelt thank you to all loyal players and hope to see you compete again!

Only the best will gain experience quickly 

Others will feel the taste of peaceful aventure on the game 

Prove to others that you are the strength to be reckoned with.

Stay an exceptional player.  

And have fun!


Server informations:

Free entry to bosses
Stamina regeneration in PZ
Depo training dummy (+shielding)
Bestiary Charms / Prey
Wiki Next-Stage
Thais Bosses
Autoloot System 3.0
Imbuement 2.0
Vip system 2.0
Shop with House items 2.0
Free entry to Falcon / Cobra / Lion Bastions
Tasks at Grizzly Adams 2.0
Mounts for start
Weekend bonus EXP 50%

Exp stages:

1-129lvl - 60x | 200-249lvl - 8x | 400-499 - 3x | 650- 1x

Skill rate: 25x

Magic rate: 15x

Loot: 3x


On our server each player can talk to the administrator, but must be patient while waiting for a reply in a private message. if that's not a problem, feel free to contact us

20.5.2020 -
About basic matters where you can stand out


Exp boost when more players online. Get more exp gain rate to your guild. 

  • Free 500 Tibia Coins for playing first week
  • Free 1.000 Tibia Coins for playing first month
  • Free Mounts for start
Where to get items
Items to change 10x  50x  100x 
Avaliable items         


Level Where to hunt          
50+ Asures

100+ Carnivors    
120+ Buried Cathedral
140+ Falcon Bastion    
150+ Cobra Bastion    
160+ Lion Bastion    
170+ Warzones 1-9
200+ Secret Library
250+ Soul War

 Don't forget the summons spells (only for promotion holders):

  • Elite Knight - "utevo gran res eq"   +  -> 
  • Royal Paladin - "utevo gran res sac"   +  -> 
  • Master Sorcerer - "utevo gran res ven"   +  -> 
  • Elder Druid - "utevo gran res dru"   +  -> 

20.5.2020 -
Special Exiva for power game players with vip time

The new meaning of the "exiva" spell, every favorite of peaceful hunting will be safe when someone searches for us. When we have VIP time, we will be notified. Activation costs 150 tc: !exiva on / off


Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Players Online