Name |
Kills |
Total Experience |
Adult Goanna |
53 |
439900 |
Afflicted Strider |
640 |
4560000 |
Amazon |
5 |
300 |
Ancient Scarab |
13 |
9360 |
Angry Demon Beast |
3 |
354000 |
Animated Feather |
645 |
7482000 |
Arachnophobica |
52063 |
244696100 |
Askarak Demon |
32 |
28800 |
Assassin |
19 |
1995 |
Baby Archidemon |
2 |
240000 |
Baby Dragon |
5 |
925 |
Badger |
2 |
10 |
Baleful Bunny |
2 |
900 |
Bandit |
22 |
1430 |
Banshee |
6 |
5400 |
Bat |
22 |
220 |
Bear |
6 |
138 |
Beast of Annihilon |
3004 |
450600000 |
Beast of Golgordan |
15606 |
2184840000 |
Beast of Hellgorak |
6010 |
781300000 |
Beast of Latrivan |
7910 |
1028300000 |
Beast of Madareth |
15566 |
2023580000 |
Beast of Ushuriel |
12361 |
1730540000 |
Beast of Zugurosh |
6362 |
827060000 |
Behemoth |
38 |
95000 |
Betrayed Wraith |
163 |
570500 |
Blemished Spawn |
964 |
6386500 |
Blightwalker |
59 |
345150 |
Boar |
4 |
240 |
Bog Raider |
2 |
1600 |
Bonebeast |
17 |
9860 |
Bonelord |
7 |
1190 |
Bony Sea Devil |
69 |
1831950 |
Boogeyman |
13 |
910000 |
Boogy |
5 |
4750 |
Brachiodemon |
199 |
5150120 |
Braindeath |
1 |
985 |
Branchy Crawler |
96 |
2386560 |
Bug |
44 |
792 |
Burning Book |
5284 |
80845200 |
Burster Spectre |
1106 |
6636000 |
Capricious Phantom |
20 |
518000 |
Carniphila |
3 |
450 |
Cave Chimera |
8113 |
68960500 |
Cave Rat |
22 |
220 |
Centipede |
52 |
1768 |
Cloak of Terror |
47 |
1207900 |
Cobra |
8 |
240 |
Cobra Assassin |
70 |
529200 |
Cobra Scout |
73 |
578160 |
Cobra Vizier |
49 |
388080 |
Courage Leech |
44 |
1139600 |
Crab |
9 |
270 |
Crazed Beggar |
2 |
70 |
Crazed Summer Rearguard |
1 |
4700 |
Crazed Winter Rearguard |
37 |
173900 |
Crocodile |
83 |
3320 |
Cursed Book |
9 |
141300 |
Cursed Prospector |
27 |
141750 |
Cyclops |
35 |
5250 |
Cyclops Drone |
29 |
5800 |
Cyclops Smith |
27 |
6885 |
Damaged Worker Golem |
2 |
190 |
Dark Apprentice |
20 |
2000 |
Dark Carnisylvan |
24 |
93600 |
Dark Magician |
26 |
4810 |
Dark Monk |
10 |
1450 |
Dark Torturer |
1000 |
4650000 |
Dawnfire Asura |
167 |
684700 |
Death Blob |
10 |
3000 |
Deepling Guard |
15 |
31500 |
Deepling Tyrant |
8 |
33600 |
Defiler |
5 |
18500 |
Demon |
740 |
8880000 |
Demon Beast |
41515 |
5729070000 |
Demon Beast Minion |
17 |
2006000 |
Demon Outcast |
80 |
496000 |
Demon Skeleton |
47 |
11280 |
Destroyer |
405 |
1012500 |
Diabolic Imp |
40 |
116000 |
Diremaw |
19 |
47500 |
Disgusting Bug |
102 |
12036000 |
Dragon |
17 |
11900 |
Dragon Elite |
10 |
850000 |
Dragon Hatchling |
25 |
4625 |
Dragon Lord |
24 |
50400 |
Dragon Lord Hatchling |
4 |
2580 |
Draken Abomination |
29 |
110200 |
Draken Elite |
18 |
75600 |
Draken Spellweaver |
158 |
489800 |
Draken Warmaster |
369 |
885600 |
Druid's Apparition |
26 |
490620 |
Dwarf |
8 |
360 |
Dwarf Guard |
4 |
660 |
Dwarf Soldier |
11 |
770 |
Earth Mage |
8 |
944000 |
Earthy Minion |
14 |
1652000 |
Elder Bonelord |
6 |
1680 |
Elder Wyrm |
6 |
15000 |
Eldritch Horror |
16 |
1120000 |
Elephant |
259 |
41440 |
Elf Arcanist |
9 |
1575 |
Elf Scout |
3 |
225 |
Emerald Damselfly |
4 |
140 |
Enchanted Titanium Soldier |
27 |
3186000 |
Enslaved Dwarf |
28 |
75600 |
Eternal Guardian |
7 |
12600 |
Evil Prospector |
73 |
547500 |
Execowtioner |
2 |
4800 |
Eyeless Devourer |
1478 |
8055100 |
Falcon Knight |
90 |
675000 |
Falcon Paladin |
58 |
435000 |
Faun |
10 |
8000 |
Feral Sphinx |
2 |
17600 |
Fire Devil |
4 |
580 |
Fire Elemental |
24 |
5280 |
Flimsy Lost Soul |
98 |
441000 |
Floating Savant |
19 |
152000 |
Flying Book |
15 |
3000 |
Forest Fury |
5 |
1175 |
Fox |
6 |
90 |
Freakish Lost Soul |
122 |
856440 |
Frost Flower Asura |
93 |
390600 |
Frost Troll |
5 |
115 |
Furious Carnivor |
258 |
7448460 |
Fury |
119 |
535500 |
Gang Member |
7 |
490 |
Ghastly Dragon |
54 |
248400 |
Ghost Dragon |
8 |
704000 |
Ghoul |
36 |
3060 |
Giant Spider |
45 |
40500 |
Girtablilu Warrior |
8 |
42400 |
Glooth Golem |
10 |
22000 |
Gnarlhound |
2 |
120 |
Goblin Maruder |
15 |
1170000 |
Golden Gladiator |
33 |
3894000 |
Golden Man |
27 |
3186000 |
Gozzler |
10 |
1800 |
Grim Reaper |
511 |
2810500 |
Grimeleech |
88 |
721600 |
Grynch Clan Goblin |
23 |
92 |
Guardian of Tales |
3212 |
37901600 |
Guzzlemaw |
57 |
313500 |
Hand of Cursed Fate |
182 |
910000 |
Haunted Treeling |
14 |
4340 |
Hellfire Fighter |
197 |
965300 |
Hellflayer |
171 |
2137500 |
Hellhound |
665 |
4522000 |
Hellspawn |
1963 |
5005650 |
Hero |
2 |
2400 |
Holy Elemental |
12812 |
389484800 |
Holy Soul |
8984 |
274461200 |
Holy Warden |
16401 |
470708700 |
Horse |
1 |
0 |
Hulking Carnisylvan |
16 |
67200 |
Hunter |
40 |
6000 |
Hydra |
42 |
88200 |
Icecold Book |
1284 |
19260000 |
Infected Weeper |
3 |
3600 |
Infernal Demon |
146 |
3650000 |
Infernal Phantom |
75 |
1632750 |
Ink Blob |
342 |
4941900 |
Insane Siren |
15 |
90000 |
Instable Goshnar's Greed |
28 |
1064000 |
Instable Goshnar's Hatred |
19 |
722000 |
Instable Goshnar's Malice |
53 |
1961000 |
Instable Goshnar's Spite |
9 |
333000 |
Island Troll |
20 |
400 |
Juggernaut |
497 |
6958000 |
Knight's Apparition |
97 |
1830390 |
Kongra |
1 |
115 |
Lava Golem |
19 |
117800 |
Lavafungus |
787 |
6099250 |
Lavaworm |
582 |
3783000 |
Leaf Golem |
21 |
945 |
Lich |
32 |
28800 |
Lizard Dragon Priest |
21 |
27720 |
Lizard High Guard |
95 |
137750 |
Lizard Legionnaire |
25 |
27500 |
Lizard Sentinel |
22 |
2420 |
Lizard Templar |
22 |
3410 |
Lizard Zaogun |
35 |
59500 |
Lost Soul |
442 |
1768000 |
Many Faces |
398 |
10296260 |
Marsh Stalker |
5 |
250 |
Masked Demon |
235 |
6345000 |
Mean Lost Soul |
63 |
351540 |
Medusa |
34 |
137700 |
Metal Gargoyle |
7 |
9800 |
Midnight Asura |
222 |
910200 |
Minotaur |
2 |
100 |
Minotaur Amazon |
2 |
4400 |
Minotaur Guard |
6 |
960 |
Minotaur Mage |
3 |
450 |
Monk |
39 |
7800 |
Moohtant |
5 |
13000 |
Mould Phantom |
15 |
349950 |
Mummy |
6 |
900 |
Mummy Gladiator |
76 |
9728000 |
Mutated Rat |
1 |
450 |
Necromancer |
7 |
4060 |
Nightmare |
91 |
195650 |
Nomad |
7 |
420 |
Nymph |
2 |
1700 |
Old Manticore |
7 |
202300 |
Orc Spearman |
2 |
76 |
Orc Warrior |
1 |
50 |
Paladin's Apparition |
35 |
660450 |
Percht |
13 |
7800 |
Phantasm |
10 |
44000 |
Pinata Dragon Elite |
11 |
935000 |
Pirate Ghost |
1 |
250 |
Pirate Skeleton |
9 |
765 |
Pixie |
10 |
7000 |
Plaguesmith |
56 |
252000 |
Poacher |
5 |
350 |
Poison Spider |
146 |
3212 |
Poisonous Carnisylvan |
27 |
105300 |
Pooka |
2 |
1000 |
Priestess |
13 |
5460 |
Quara Constrictor Scout |
2 |
400 |
Quara Mantassin Scout |
3 |
300 |
Quara Pincher Scout |
6 |
3600 |
Quara Predator Scout |
4 |
1600 |
Rage Squid |
5748 |
109212000 |
Rat |
6 |
30 |
Ripper Spectre |
25014 |
87549000 |
Rotten Golem |
58 |
1308480 |
Rustheap Golem |
9 |
20700 |
Sandcrawler |
2 |
40 |
Schiach |
66 |
38280 |
Scorpion |
7 |
315 |
Serpent Spawn |
46 |
140300 |
Shaburak Demon |
4 |
3600 |
Shaburak Lord |
2 |
2400 |
Shaburak Prince |
1 |
1700 |
Silencer |
136 |
693600 |
Skeleton |
21 |
735 |
Skeleton Elite |
14 |
1232000 |
Skeleton Elite Warrior |
160 |
1200000 |
Skeleton Maruder |
13 |
1014000 |
Skeleton Warrior |
15 |
675 |
Skunk |
37 |
111 |
Slime |
26 |
4160 |
Smuggler |
38 |
1824 |
Snake |
46 |
460 |
Son of Verminor |
35 |
206500 |
Sorcerer's Apparition |
83 |
1566210 |
Spectre |
75 |
157500 |
Spider |
154 |
1848 |
Spidris Elite |
5 |
20000 |
Spiky Carnivor |
10 |
25000 |
Spit Nettle |
27 |
540 |
Squid Warden |
1184 |
21312000 |
Stalker |
21 |
1890 |
Stone Golem |
2 |
320 |
Streaked Devourer |
279 |
2197125 |
Sulfur Beast |
52 |
5616000 |
Sulfur Beast Minion |
10 |
1180000 |
Swan Maiden |
7 |
4900 |
Tarantula |
21 |
2520 |
The Dread Minion |
12 |
1380000 |
Tiger |
1 |
40 |
Timira the Many-Headed |
20 |
2360000 |
Titanium Soldier |
31744 |
4380672000 |
Tremendous Tyrant |
6030 |
45978750 |
Troll |
3 |
60 |
True Dawnfire Asura |
2620 |
24104000 |
True Frost Flower Asura |
2808 |
24429600 |
True Midnight Asura |
3825 |
34425000 |
Tunnel Tyrant |
2 |
8000 |
Turbulent Elemental |
55 |
1452000 |
Undead Dragon |
77 |
554400 |
Undead Elite Gladiator |
112 |
884800 |
Valkyrie |
3 |
255 |
Vampire |
15 |
4575 |
Vampire Bride |
10 |
10500 |
Vampire Viscount |
14 |
11200 |
Varnished Diremaw |
4700 |
34662500 |
Vexclaw |
192 |
1363200 |
Vibrant Phantom |
61 |
1445700 |
Vicious Manbat |
1 |
1200 |
Vulcongra |
19 |
20900 |
Walker |
8 |
17600 |
War Golem |
19 |
52250 |
War Wolf |
8 |
440 |
Warlock |
58 |
232000 |
Wasp |
197 |
4728 |
Water Elemental |
8 |
5200 |
Werebadger |
24 |
38400 |
Werebear |
5 |
10500 |
Wereboar |
24 |
48000 |
Werewolf |
8 |
15200 |
Wild Warrior |
59 |
3540 |
Wilting Leaf Golem |
10 |
1450 |
Winter Dragon |
3 |
255000 |
Witch |
4 |
480 |
Wolf |
44 |
792 |
Worker Golem |
2 |
2500 |
Worm Priestess |
8 |
12000 |
Wyvern |
3 |
1545 |
Total |
323180 |
21325527656 |
Offer ID |
Appearance |
Name |
Price |
Count |
Quests |
The Inquisition |
Soul War |
Annihilator |
Pits of Inferno |
Thieves Guild |
Wrath of the Emperor |
Secret Library (final battle) |
Skills |
fist fighting |
20 |
club fighting |
29 |
sword fighting |
29 |
axe fighting |
156 |
distance fighting |
10 |
shielding |
128 |
fishing |
10 |
Character Deaths |
4 Mar 2025, 06:27 |
Killed at level 809 by Beast of Golgordan (soloed) |
2 Mar 2025, 07:12 |
Killed at level 219 by a many faces (soloed) |
23 Feb 2025, 22:28 |
Killed at level 935 by a angry archidemon (soloed) |
23 Feb 2025, 22:22 |
Killed at level 936 by a angry archidemon (soloed) |
23 Feb 2025, 22:17 |
Killed at level 938 by a angry archidemon (soloed) |
10 Feb 2025, 15:08 |
Killed at level 733 by a noxious ripptor and by a shrieking cry-stal |
2 Feb 2025, 09:30 |
Killed at level 644 by a holy warden and by a holy elemental |
27 Jan 2025, 07:29 |
Killed at level 584 by a holy warden (soloed) |
26 Jan 2025, 16:26 |
Killed at level 521 by a holy warden (soloed) |
20 Jan 2025, 16:34 |
Killed at level 398 by a guardian of tales and by a burning book |