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Character Information
Name: Muras Rp
Sex: male
Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 1537
Experience: 60352308028
Achievement Points 2
Magic Level: 44
Residence: Thais
Hunts history:
Last login: Jul 26 2024, 19:27:32 CEST
Created: May 11 2022, 09:11:47 CEST
Account Status: Premium Account
Achievement Medals:
Use Gold Vip Medal
Complete the Boss Arena at 10:00 PM
Win the daily lottery
Kill 500 bosses and unlock the Boss Charm
Reach the rank of King in Loyalty
Complete the Elite Quest
Kill 100 Toxic Flowers
Kill the Plunder Patriarch
Open 500 Unboxing chests
Enter the Banuta portal at lvl 999
Unlocked Charms:
Divine Wrath
Adrenaline Burst
Low Blow

The Inquisition
Soul War
Pits of Inferno
Thieves Guild
Wrath of the Emperor
Secret Library (final battle)
fist fighting 32
club fighting 10
sword fighting 10
axe fighting 10
distance fighting 149
shielding 118
fishing 10

Character Deaths
31 May 2024, 21:39 Killed at level 1333 by a stone devourer (soloed)
24 May 2024, 09:22 Killed at level 1154 by a sulfur beast (soloed)
24 May 2024, 06:26 Killed at level 1148 by Toxicness (unjustified) and by Figlarz Akrobata
24 May 2024, 06:25 Killed at level 1150 by Figlarz Akrobata (unjustified) (soloed)
24 May 2024, 06:24 Killed at level 1151 by Lufthansa Airlines (unjustified) and by Figlarz Akrobata
24 May 2024, 06:23 Killed at level 1152 by Lufthansa Airlines (unjustified) and by Figlarz Akrobata
24 May 2024, 06:22 Killed at level 1153 by Lufthansa Airlines (unjustified) (soloed)
24 May 2024, 06:22 Killed at level 1154 by Figlarz Akrobata (unjustified) (soloed)
24 May 2024, 06:21 Killed at level 1155 by Figlarz Akrobata (unjustified) and by Lufthansa Airlines
24 May 2024, 06:20 Killed at level 1156 by Toxicness (unjustified) and by Lufthansa Airlines

Account Information
Loyalty Title: Keeper of Tibia
Created: 11 May 2022, 9:09 am
Merit to the server:

Name Level Status  
1. Muras Ed 25 Druid
2. Muras Ek 1626 Elite Knight
3. Muras Ms 1619 Master Sorcerer
4. Muras Rp 1537 Royal Paladin

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