Name |
Kills |
Total Experience |
Adult Goanna |
630 |
5229000 |
Afflicted Strider |
1956 |
13936500 |
Amazon |
5 |
300 |
Angry Demon Beast |
7 |
826000 |
Arachnophobica |
9059 |
42577300 |
Askarak Lord |
6 |
7200 |
Askarak Prince |
4 |
6800 |
Assassin |
102 |
10710 |
Baby Archidemon |
3 |
360000 |
Baby Dragon |
24 |
4440 |
Baby Winter Moloch |
12 |
840000 |
Bandit |
11 |
715 |
Banshee |
4 |
3600 |
Barbarian Headsplitter |
2 |
170 |
Barbarian Skullhunter |
1 |
85 |
Bat |
433 |
4330 |
Beast of Annihilon |
1 |
150000 |
Beast of Hellgorak |
3 |
390000 |
Beast of Ushuriel |
2 |
280000 |
Behemoth |
6 |
15000 |
Black Sphinx Acolyte |
188 |
1353600 |
Blemished Spawn |
2851 |
18887875 |
Blightwalker |
25 |
146250 |
Blood Beast |
521 |
521000 |
Blood Hand |
448 |
336000 |
Blood Priest |
276 |
248400 |
Boar |
1 |
60 |
Bog Raider |
2 |
1600 |
Bonebeast |
7 |
4060 |
Bony Sea Devil |
16856 |
447526800 |
Boogeyman |
6 |
420000 |
Brachiodemon |
88 |
2277440 |
Braindeath |
2 |
1970 |
Branchy Crawler |
29 |
720940 |
Breach Brood |
6016 |
13235200 |
Bug |
6 |
108 |
Burning Book |
11 |
168300 |
Burning Gladiator |
419 |
3079650 |
Capricious Phantom |
6826 |
176793400 |
Carniphila |
3 |
450 |
Cave Chimera |
5118 |
43503000 |
Cave Rat |
2 |
20 |
Centipede |
8 |
272 |
Cloak of Terror |
28 |
719600 |
Clomp |
194 |
92150 |
Cobra |
5 |
150 |
Courage Leech |
52 |
1346800 |
Crab |
371 |
11130 |
Crazed Summer Rearguard |
50 |
235000 |
Crazed Summer Vanguard |
15 |
75000 |
Crazed Winter Vanguard |
1 |
5400 |
Crocodile |
2 |
80 |
Crypt Warden |
17 |
142800 |
Cursed Book |
1 |
15700 |
Cursed Prospector |
40 |
210000 |
Cyclops |
3 |
450 |
Cyclops Drone |
3 |
600 |
Cyclops Smith |
2 |
510 |
Dark Apprentice |
10 |
1000 |
Dark Magician |
6 |
1110 |
Dark Monk |
20 |
2900 |
Dark Torturer |
568 |
2641200 |
Dawnfire Asura |
2 |
8200 |
Death Blob |
4020 |
1206000 |
Deepling Brawler |
3 |
780 |
Deepling Elite |
230 |
690000 |
Deepling Guard |
2773 |
5823300 |
Deepling Master Librarian |
2 |
3800 |
Deepling Scout |
192 |
30720 |
Deepling Spellsinger |
5253 |
5253000 |
Deepling Tyrant |
336 |
1411200 |
Deepling Warrior |
3745 |
5617500 |
Deepling Worker |
27 |
3510 |
Deepworm |
4011 |
9225300 |
Defiler |
138 |
510600 |
Demon |
201 |
2412000 |
Demon Beast |
60 |
8280000 |
Demon Beast Minion |
98 |
11564000 |
Demon Outcast |
17 |
105400 |
Demon Skeleton |
1545 |
370800 |
Destroyer |
17 |
42500 |
Devourer |
501 |
901800 |
Diabolic Imp |
17 |
49300 |
Diremaw |
7045 |
17612500 |
Disgusting Bug |
101 |
11918000 |
Dragon |
33 |
23100 |
Dragon Elite |
11 |
935000 |
Dragon Hatchling |
806 |
149110 |
Dragon Lord |
438 |
919800 |
Dragon Lord Hatchling |
220 |
141900 |
Draken Abomination |
2170 |
8246000 |
Draken Elite |
1463 |
6144600 |
Draken Spellweaver |
5323 |
16501300 |
Draken Warmaster |
12799 |
30717600 |
Dread Intruder |
6949 |
20847000 |
Druid's Apparition |
4 |
75480 |
Earth Elemental |
11 |
4950 |
Earth Mage |
20 |
2360000 |
Earthy Minion |
50 |
5900000 |
Elder Bonelord |
7 |
1960 |
Elder Wyrm |
2 |
5000 |
Eldritch Horror |
10 |
700000 |
Elephant |
5 |
800 |
Elf |
60 |
2520 |
Elf Arcanist |
63 |
11025 |
Elf Scout |
180 |
13500 |
Enchanted Titanium Soldier |
28 |
3304000 |
Enslaved Dwarf |
3 |
8100 |
Evil Prospector |
58 |
435000 |
Eyeless Devourer |
4011 |
21859950 |
Falcon Knight |
4288 |
32160000 |
Falcon Paladin |
3954 |
29655000 |
Feral Sphinx |
2 |
17600 |
Feverish Citizen |
10 |
300 |
Fire Elemental |
19 |
4180 |
Firestarter |
37 |
2960 |
Flimsy Lost Soul |
97 |
436500 |
Freakish Lost Soul |
105 |
737100 |
Frost Dragon Hatchling |
29 |
21605 |
Fury |
373 |
1678500 |
Gang Member |
7 |
490 |
Ghastly Dragon |
475 |
2185000 |
Ghost |
645 |
77400 |
Ghost Dragon |
10 |
880000 |
Ghoul |
732 |
62220 |
Giant Spider |
8 |
7200 |
Girtablilu Warrior |
344 |
1823200 |
Glooth Blob |
4221 |
2954700 |
Glooth Golem |
196 |
431200 |
Gnarlhound |
197 |
11820 |
Golden Gladiator |
47 |
5546000 |
Golden Man |
44 |
5192000 |
Gozzler |
20 |
3600 |
Grave Guard |
2 |
970 |
Gravedigger |
53 |
50350 |
Grim Reaper |
915 |
5032500 |
Grimeleech |
2535 |
20787000 |
Grynch Clan Goblin |
5 |
20 |
Gryphon |
1 |
1000 |
Guardian of Tales |
9 |
106200 |
Guzzlemaw |
5 |
27500 |
Hand of Cursed Fate |
19 |
95000 |
Hellfire Fighter |
1429 |
7002100 |
Hellflayer |
1046 |
13075000 |
Hellhound |
662 |
4501600 |
Hellspawn |
6 |
15300 |
Hideous Fungus |
2011 |
5831900 |
Holy Elemental |
5 |
152000 |
Holy Warden |
7 |
200900 |
Humongous Fungus |
3719 |
9669400 |
Hunter |
139 |
20850 |
Hyaena |
77 |
1540 |
Hydra |
2 |
4200 |
Infected Weeper |
1 |
1200 |
Infernal Demon |
88 |
2200000 |
Infernal Phantom |
57 |
1240890 |
Insane Siren |
24 |
144000 |
Insect Swarm |
302 |
12080 |
Instable Goshnar's Greed |
3 |
114000 |
Instable Goshnar's Hatred |
14 |
532000 |
Instable Goshnar's Malice |
29 |
1073000 |
Instable Goshnar's Spite |
1 |
37000 |
Island Troll |
23 |
460 |
Juggernaut |
8 |
112000 |
Juvenile Bashmu |
5932 |
26694000 |
Killer Caiman |
3 |
2700 |
Knight's Apparition |
4 |
75480 |
Lamassu |
1038 |
9342000 |
Larva |
6 |
264 |
Lavafungus |
8124 |
62961000 |
Lavaworm |
12982 |
84383000 |
Lich |
438 |
394200 |
Lizard Chosen |
3409 |
7499800 |
Lizard Dragon Priest |
487 |
642840 |
Lizard High Guard |
4997 |
7245650 |
Lizard Legionnaire |
806 |
886600 |
Lizard Zaogun |
2404 |
4086800 |
Lost Soul |
2 |
8000 |
Manta Ray |
319 |
39875 |
Manticore |
177 |
902700 |
Many Faces |
69 |
1785030 |
Marsh Stalker |
99 |
4950 |
Massive Earth Elemental |
3 |
2850 |
Mean Lost Soul |
110 |
613800 |
Mercury Blob |
101 |
18180 |
Metal Gargoyle |
141 |
197400 |
Midnight Asura |
3 |
12300 |
Midnight Panther |
1 |
900 |
Mole |
319 |
31900 |
Monk |
627 |
125400 |
Mould Phantom |
4 |
93320 |
Mummy |
3 |
450 |
Mummy Gladiator |
79 |
10112000 |
Necromancer |
4491 |
2604780 |
Nightmare |
520 |
1118000 |
Nightmare Scion |
148 |
199800 |
Nomad |
9 |
540 |
Ogre Rowdy |
955 |
4011000 |
Ogre Ruffian |
1471 |
8090500 |
Ogre Sage |
396 |
2178000 |
Old Manticore |
6 |
173400 |
Orc |
69 |
1725 |
Orc Berserker |
27 |
5265 |
Orc Rider |
38 |
4180 |
Orc Spearman |
280 |
10640 |
Orc Warrior |
249 |
12450 |
Panda |
1 |
23 |
Penguin |
2 |
2 |
Phantasm |
34 |
149600 |
Pinata Dragon Elite |
8 |
680000 |
Pirate Ghost |
1 |
250 |
Pirate Skeleton |
7 |
595 |
Plaguesmith |
361 |
1624500 |
Poison Spider |
18 |
396 |
Polar Bear |
2 |
56 |
Priestess |
1545 |
648900 |
Quara Constrictor Scout |
639 |
127800 |
Quara Hydromancer Scout |
389 |
311200 |
Quara Mantassin Scout |
4 |
400 |
Quara Pincher Scout |
195 |
117000 |
Quara Predator Scout |
468 |
187200 |
Rat |
725 |
3625 |
Reality Reaver |
6968 |
21600800 |
Ripper Spectre |
5016 |
17556000 |
Rot Elemental |
2039 |
1529250 |
Rotten Golem |
3 |
67680 |
Rustheap Golem |
165 |
379500 |
Sandcrawler |
1006 |
20120 |
Sandstone Scorpion |
2 |
1360 |
Scorpion |
2311 |
103995 |
Serpent Spawn |
82 |
250100 |
Shaburak Demon |
1 |
900 |
Shaburak Lord |
4 |
4800 |
Shaburak Prince |
4 |
6800 |
Shadow Pupil |
945 |
387450 |
Shark |
694 |
485800 |
Skeleton |
24 |
840 |
Skeleton Elite Warrior |
3596 |
26970000 |
Skeleton Maruder |
1 |
78000 |
Snake |
124 |
1240 |
Sparkion |
7371 |
21375900 |
Spectre |
76 |
159600 |
Sphinx |
847 |
6352500 |
Spider |
7 |
84 |
Spit Nettle |
846 |
16920 |
Stone Devourer |
849 |
2462100 |
Stone Golem |
2 |
320 |
Streaked Devourer |
5739 |
45194625 |
Sulfur Beast |
216 |
23328000 |
Sulfur Beast Minion |
21 |
2478000 |
Swampling |
3 |
135 |
Tarantula |
9 |
1080 |
Tarnished Spirit |
201 |
24120 |
Thanatursus |
29 |
356700 |
The Dread Minion |
18 |
2070000 |
Tiger |
1 |
40 |
Timira the Many-Headed |
26 |
3068000 |
Titanium Soldier |
71 |
9798000 |
Tremendous Tyrant |
4281 |
32642625 |
Troll |
9 |
180 |
Turbulent Elemental |
16131 |
425858400 |
Undead Dragon |
389 |
2800800 |
Undead Elite Gladiator |
1253 |
9898700 |
Valkyrie |
1 |
85 |
Vampire |
2 |
610 |
Vampire Bride |
9 |
9450 |
Vampire Viscount |
10 |
8000 |
Varnished Diremaw |
3705 |
27324375 |
Venerable Girtablilu |
2299 |
12184700 |
Vexclaw |
1886 |
13390600 |
Vibrant Phantom |
71 |
1682700 |
Vicious Manbat |
4 |
4800 |
Walker |
98 |
215600 |
War Golem |
6 |
16500 |
Warlock |
1 |
4000 |
Wasp |
2 |
48 |
Water Buffalo |
262 |
5240 |
Water Elemental |
9 |
5850 |
Werehyaena |
10762 |
23676400 |
Werehyaena Shaman |
5271 |
11596200 |
Werelion |
3 |
7200 |
White Shade |
631 |
75720 |
Wild Warrior |
10 |
600 |
Winter Dragon |
2 |
170000 |
Winter Horror |
8 |
560000 |
Winter Moloch |
37 |
2590000 |
Winter Moloch Beast |
23 |
1610000 |
Winter Sinner |
20 |
754000 |
Witch |
6 |
720 |
Wyvern |
2 |
1030 |
Young Goanna |
763 |
5798800 |
Zombie |
396 |
110880 |
Total |
290907 |
2137209353 |
Offer ID |
Appearance |
Name |
Price |
Count |
Quests |
The Inquisition |
Soul War |
Annihilator |
Pits of Inferno |
Thieves Guild |
Wrath of the Emperor |
Secret Library (final battle) |
Skills |
fist fighting |
52 |
club fighting |
10 |
sword fighting |
10 |
axe fighting |
10 |
distance fighting |
146 |
shielding |
117 |
fishing |
10 |
Character Deaths |
5 Feb 2025, 19:23 |
Killed at level 1040 by a mega dragon (soloed) |
30 Jan 2025, 22:48 |
Killed at level 1034 by a timira the many-headed (soloed) |
20 Jan 2025, 22:08 |
Killed at level 883 by a sulfur beast and by a demon beast minion |
20 Jan 2025, 18:06 |
Killed at level 884 by a emerald tortoise and by Rudy Top Lvl |
20 Jan 2025, 18:01 |
Killed at level 885 by Rudy Top Lvl (unjustified) (soloed) |
20 Jan 2025, 11:25 |
Killed at level 853 by a emerald tortoise (soloed) |
20 Jan 2025, 09:57 |
Killed at level 849 by a hulking prehemoth (soloed) |
19 Jan 2025, 23:37 |
Killed at level 816 by Pani Basia (unjustified) (soloed) |
18 Jan 2025, 02:40 |
Killed at level 754 by a emerald tortoise (soloed) |
17 Jan 2025, 22:43 |
Killed at level 750 by Svartman (unjustified) (soloed) |
Account Information |
Loyalty Title: |
Sentinel of Tibia
Created: |
23 April 2024, 1:59 am
Merit to the server: |
Characters |
Name |
Level |
Status |
1. Afonso
755 Master Sorcerer |
2. First Class
622 Sorcerer |
3. Mamba
1043 Royal Paladin |
Online |
4. Rozjezdzam
29 Knight |
5. Ten Jedyny
340 Master Sorcerer |